Roll a 20-sided dice (d20) : 20-sided dices for games and role playing game (RPG)
Score detail for each dice side
Sides | Occurrences |
8 | 1 X |
The most rolled dice and RPG dice
All recurring questions about dice
👍 What game can you play with dice?
There are many games that can be played with dice: Craps, Yams, 421 and many others. All are related to numbers and the law of probability.
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💻 How to roll a virtual dice online?
If you don't have dice at home, you can make draws with the virtual dice roll simulator on Thrown.
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🎲 What are the different types of dice?
Many different types of dice exist. The best known today are the cubic or non-cubic dice and dice for RPG.
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⏳ What are the origins of the dice and when does it date back?
The first dice date back to prehistoric times. They would probably come from Asia.
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